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Model Chan Reveals LGBTQ Relationship, Advocates for Self-Empowerment

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Model Chan Reveals LGBTQ Relationship, Advocates for Self-Empowerment

Renowned model Chan stunned her followers recently, taking to Instagram to announce her new romantic relationship with director Kosan. In a heartfelt, unfiltered photograph of the two hugging, Chan declared, “Hard launch.” Accompanying this romantic revelation, Chan proudly utilized LGBTQ-related hashtags like #LGBTPride and #GirlsWhoLikeGirls further expressing her love and pride for her relationship.

Support from Fans and the LGBTQ2A+ Community

In an overwhelming display of love, Chan’s December 21 announcement was met with a torrent of support from her fans and members of the LGBTQ2A+ community. Many showered the new couple with congratulatory messages, even going to the extent of describing Chan and her partner as “couple goals.”

Chan’s Personal Struggles and Empowering Message

Beyond her relationship reveal, Chan has been candid about her personal struggles as well. She recently shared her experiences of grappling with issues of confidence and societal pressure to conform to conventional beauty standards. Chan spoke of her attempts to become ‘smaller,’ a pursuit she later realized contradicted her beliefs in empowerment and equality. In a poignant message to her followers, Chan emphasized that one’s worth is not hinged on their appearance. Rather, it’s determined by their capacity to empower themselves and others.

Study on Social Acceptance and Discrimination

This announcement coincides with a new study exploring the relationship between social acceptance, discrimination, and the impact on the psychological well-being of older men who have sex with men (MSM) in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. The research reveals that discrimination and social acceptance vary among older MSM in different regions, suggesting that initiatives aimed at mitigating discrimination and promoting social acceptance may enhance the psychological well-being of older MSM. The study also highlights the challenges faced by older MSM, including social isolation, discrimination, and stigma, and the impact of these challenges on their mental and emotional well-being.


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