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People are angry this safe sex guide refers to the vagina as a ‘front hole’

Written by gaytourism

The pussy hat has become a staple of women’s marches | Photo: Flickr/American Life League

A new LGBTQIA safe sex guide was published recently and it includes the term ‘front hole’ as an alternative for the word ‘vagina’.

Groups like Heathline, GLSEN, and Advocates for Youth all shared the report on their websites.

‘Traditional safe seχ guides are often structured in a way that presumes everyone’s gender (male/female/nonbinary/trans) is the same as the seχ they were assigned at birth (male/female/interseχ or differences in seχual development),’ Healthline said in a statement.

‘These guides also often unnecessarily gender body parts as being ‘male parts’ and ‘female parts’ and refer to ‘seχ with women’ or ‘seχ with men,’ excluding those who identify as nonbinary. Many individuals don’t see body parts as having a gender — people have a gender.’

According to reports, the term ‘front hole’ emerged from a study of 10 transgender men.

The researchers found other alternative terms, such as ‘chest feeding’ instead of ‘breasfeeding’.

Healthline’s statement continues with other terms.

‘For example, some trans men choose to use the words “front hole” or “internal geηital” instead of “νagina,”‘ it reads.

‘Alternatively, some trans women may say “strapless” or “girl d***” for peηis. This usage is meant for one-on-one communication with trusted persons, such as your doctor or partner, not for broad discussion.’

Is it dehumanizing?

Some people on Twitter aren’t about the new language.

User @ArielleScarcell calls it ‘dehumanizing’, as vagina is already a gender-inclusive word.

Others found it straight-up confusing.

Meanwhile, some just had fun coming up with new names.

Healthline responded to the criticisms, saying: ‘Some people are under the impression that Healthline is now using the term “front hole” instead of νagina. This is simply not true.

‘”Front hole” is one of the numerous, accepted terms for geηitalia we use specifically for certain members of the trans community who identify with it. In no instance in this guide are we saying we want to replace the word νagina.’

H/t: Yahoo

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