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Ricky Martin applauds ABC reporter for coming out as HIV-positive

Written by gaytourism

ABC reporter Karl Schmid. | Photo: Karl Schmid / Instagram

Ricky Martin just applauded ABC reporter Karl Schmid for coming out as HIV-positive last week (24 March).

The Livin’ La Vida Loca singer is among a host of people celebrating Schmid’s decision to live out and proud as an HIV-positive gay man. Empire actor Rafael de la Fuente also sent his congratulations.

Ricky Martin

Ricky Martin. | Photo: El Hormiguero / Flickr

In an Instagram photo caption, Schmid thanked fans for sending him love and support after his revelation.

The ABC reporter wrote: ‘One week on and still the flood of touching, personal, kind and heartfelt messages keep rolling in!


‘Again, I honestly had no idea that me just being honest would resonate with so many. I stand by what I said and will continue to do so… hopefully my loud mouth can give a little volume for the more softly spoken of you out there who aren’t quite sure if you’re ready to step out of the shadows.

He added: ‘It’s time to fight the stigma and bring it and HIV/AIDS to an end!’

Then Ricky Martin commented: ‘Bravo!!!!!’

When Schmid replied ‘thanks!’ Martin responded: ‘no no no #THANKYOUKARL Thank you brave man.’

‘It’s time to fight the stigma’

The ABC reporter, who is Australian but works in Los Angeles, also recorded a video for Instagram account The AIDS Memorial.

He says in the video: ‘I’m HIV-positive. It’s part of who I am but it doesn’t define me. And if you’re HIV-positive, it shouldn’t define you either.

He continues: ‘This is an illness that can go away, but we face stigma, we face shame, we face inequality and not being accepted. We can get rid of that with the more we talk about it.’

Karl Schmid at work at the ABC

ABC reporter Karl Schmid. | Photo: karljschmid / Instagram

Schmid revealed in his original post people told him not to come out as HIV-positive because it might negatively affect his career.

The ABC reporter originally wrote: ‘I work in television. And on the side of the camera where, for better or worse it’s considered “taboo” for people “like me” to be “like me.”

‘For 10 years I’ve struggled with “do I or don’t I”?

‘For ten years the stigma and industry professionals have said, “don’t! It’ll ruin you.”’

Read the full post.

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