GAY global news

Ricky Martin is celebrating trans rights in Puerto Rico

Written by gaytourism

Ricky Martin. | Photo: El Hormiguero / Flickr

Ricky Martin is celebrating as Puerto Rico welcomed another step towards LGBTI equality.

People in Puerto Rico who identify as trans are now able to change their birth certificates to match their identity.

And Rico native Ricky is thrilled to bits about it.

Ricky Martin backs trans rights

The Livin’ La Vida Loca singer tweeted a statement from Lambda Legal, which read:

‘Puerto Rico’s birth certificate policy has been ruled unconstitutional & Puerto Ricans will now be able to correct their birth certificates.’

‘Puerto Rico has to join all the countries in the world that are at the forefront of the issue of human rights and equality,’ Martin said in a blog post in 2013.

‘We’re thankful that the U.S. territory is catching up.’

‘More information coming soon as we await the court’s full opinion.

Lambda filed a federal lawsuit in April 2017 in an effort to convince the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico to grant transgender people the right to correct their birth certificates.

The case was initially dismissed by Puerto Rico and the U.S. District Court denied the motion.

It’s certainly not the first time that Ricky has been celebrating LGBTI rights.

Ricky recently applauded ABC reporter Karl Schmid for coming out as HIV-positive last week (24 March).

The Livin’ La Vida Loca singer was among a host of people celebrating Schmid’s decision to live out and proud as an HIV-positive gay man.

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