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Right-wing host threatens to sodomize Parkland shooting survivor

Written by gaytourism

Hogg responding to the criticism on CNN | Photo: YouTube/CNN

Right-wing and anti-gay radio host Jamie Allman resigned from his television show, The Allman Report, after threatening to sodomize one of the Parkland shooting survivors.

On 26 March, Allman made a tweet about David Hogg, one of the students who survived the Parkland shooting. Hogg has since become one of the leading activist voices for gun control.

The tweet has since been deleted, but screenshots were taken.

Jamie Allman's tweet about David Hogg from Parkland

Jamie Allman’s tweet | Photo: Twitter

Allman wrote as a reply: ‘When we kick their ass they all like to claim we’re drunk. I’ve been hanging out getting ready to ram a hot poker up David Hogg’s ass tomorrow. Busy working. Preparing.’

The Allman Report is a show on KDNL, an ABC affiliate owned by Sinclair Broadcast Group.

Sinclair confirmed they have since accepted Allman’s resignation: ‘We have accepted Mr. Allman’s resignation, and his show has been canceled.’

Allman is also a radio host, leading a morning show on KFTK 97.1. However, the status of this project is currently unknown.

According to reports, three advertisers pulled out of The Allman Report before it was canceled.

The disgrace of targeting teens

Allman’s resignation comes after Fox News host Laura Ingraham also went after Hogg.

She mocked him after he received rejections from some of the colleges he applied to, even with a 4.1 GPA. She later apologized, but not before she had a downfall.

Hogg simply responded to Ingraham by tagging numerous advertisers of her show. Since then, nearly 20 have pulled out of the show.

Hogg, along with students like Emma Gonzalez, have become leading voices for gun control since the Parkland shooting.

However, this isn’t the first time people have taken it upon themselves to criticize and target them.

Gonzalez was recently at the center of a Twitter hoax. A state House candidate in Maine also called her a ‘skinhead lesbian’ (for the record, she’s bisexual).

H/t: NPR

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