GAY global news

The Gayest of Winter Olympics

A Gay Kiss and Ultra-Cute Skaters
It was very definitely a first! Not like that “first gay” claim by singer Sam Smith when he alleged he was the first gay man to win an Oscar. Cue for objections from Elton John and Dustin Lance Black, Olympic diver Tom Daley’s husband, amongst others.
No, this was the first time two gay men had kissed – and been seen kissing by a huge audience – mouth-to-mouth at any Olympics. After American Gus Kenworthy had finished his freestyle ski slopestyle qualifying, he immediately skied over to his boyfriend, hugged him close and planted that kiss. The significance of the event was not so much the kiss itself. It was that is was seen by a worldwide audience thanks to the wall-to-wall coverage given the Games by America’s NBC network.
The Kenworthy Olympic Kiss –
Being a Saturday night, many millions were watching in the United States. This was important, for the network has traditionally been extremely coy about broadcasting any information about gay athletes. On YouTube the kiss quickly became viral.
This year’s Winter Olympics saw a record number of openly gay Olympians. Along with many gay men around the world, I wished one other hugely successful

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