GAY global news

The Opal Center offers funding to LGBTQ+ in need

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WICHITA FALLS, Texas (KAUZ) – The Opal Center, a local nonprofit focus on the LGBTQ+ community recently fundraised enough money to begin making positive impacts within that community.

They fund various forms of care from gas money for mental check-ups to gender affirming clothing.

Zachary Zoet from Opal spoke on why he feels like providing these things to the community is so important.

Zoet said, “Sometimes when you are, like, down and out on your luck you reach out for help and there have been elements of our community that have been down and out on their luck for decades now, and they haven’t had anywhere to reach out too and us existing, having the fund, does help everybody in this community feel less alone and that there are real tangible options for help and support.”

Zoet also said that though a lot of ground is covered by nonprofits in the local community, there is a significant gap when it comes to LGBTQ+ needs.

For more info on how to apply for the center’s funding, navigate to its website here and fill out a form.


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