Gay couple hold hands on beach. | Nathan Rupert / Flickr
Almost two-thirds of black people who identify as LGBT say they face racism from within the LGBT community.
According to new research by UK charity Stonewall, 51% of black and minority ethnic LGBT people said they have faced discrimination based on their race from within the queer community.
This number jumps to 61% when broken down to just black people.
The research is based on YouGov polling of over 5,000 LGBT people.
Ruth Hunt, Chief Executive of Stonewall UK, said: ‘This research gives a worrying insight into just how serious a problem prejudice is within our community, and we need to talk about it.
‘Users of dating apps will be familiar with phrases like “No blacks, no Asians” and “No chocolate, no curry, no rice, no spice”.’
‘This is unacceptable and it causes damage and mistrust,’ she added.
‘I’m not racist, I have a color TV’
‘Casual racism is common place in LGBT bars and clubs,’ Dalia, 32, said as part of the report.
Kasim, 25, agreed: ‘Walking into gay bars and drag queens are making jokes directed at me because I’m black on more than one occasion is pretty unwelcoming. Then shrugging it off by saying “I’m not racist, I have a color TV.”‘
Abebi, 34, also said: ‘In an LGBT bar, on more than one occasion, drunk people have come over to pet my hair and ask inappropriate questions regarding my race.’
The research also found one in eight (12%) LGBT people of faith have experienced discrimination and poor treatment from within the LGBT community because of their faith.
As part of Stonewall’s series on being LGBT in Britain, this report highlights the community. It also highlights some shocking statistics of acceptance within the family and home.
The report found three in 10 bisexual men (30%) and almost one in 10 bisexual women (8%) say they cannot be open about their sexual orientation with any of their friends, compared to 2% of gay men and 1% of lesbians.
With family, only half of lesbian, gay and bi people (46%) and trans people (47%) feel able to be open about their sexual orientation or gender identity at home.
Stonewall also have reports focusing on being trans in Britain as well as discrimination and hate crime.
They recently released a report, which concluded a third of bisexual students in the UK say they’re bullied for their sexuality.