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Watch what happens when Asian parents reject their son for being gay

Written by gaytourism

Asian parents reject their son for being gay. | Photo: What Would You Do? / YouTube

When Asian parents rejected their son for being gay, one particular diner at the restaurant couldn’t help but intervene.

In a new episode of ABC’s What Would You Do, a group of Asian actors role played an all-too common scene.

A young man tells his parents he’s gay while in a busy restaurant, then his parents negatively react.

When the young man comes out, his mother responds: ‘We didn’t raise you in America to be gay.’

The narrator chimes in: ‘This Chinese family represents a much broader issue within the Asian culture. And many have taken to YouTube to share their experiences.’

Asian American actor Daniel

Actor Daniel. | Photo: What Would You Do? / YouTube

Young actor Daniel, who identifies as queer in real life, says in the video: ‘OK there’s something I have to say. I’m gay.’

The first couple react in shock, then start to defend Daniel when his Asian parents react negatively.

But the next group of diners aren’t so supportive. One of them actually advises the parents go seek help from a pastor because ‘homosexuality is a sin against God’.

But one restaurant goer in particular is very affected by the coming out scene.

When Daniel’s parents walk off, she walks over to Daniel and gives him some sweet advice.


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