GAY global news

Student buys flowers for all of her classmates in beautiful Valentine’s Day gesture

Written by gaytourism

Let’s face it, we all get a bit soppy when it comes to some flowers.

And on a day like today, whether they’re from your nan, your bf, or your partner of years and years and years, a good bouquet will never go amiss. 

That’s why co-chair of National Student Pride Hatti Smart decided to give her fellow students flowers as part of random acts of kindness week, which handily incorporated Valentine’s Day.

The student at the Royal Veterinary College persuaded her school to spend £500 on flowers to ensure that everyone knew they were wanted and loved during the pressure of their studies.

“So, to me it’s less of a Valentine’s Day thing. This week is random acts of kindness week. We (as a students union) wanted to spread some kindness by giving out flowers and cards for people to spread it,” said Hatti to PinkNews.

“It just so happens to be Valentine’s Day so it’s quite nice to spread kindness to those who maybe don’t have a partner.”

In particular, vets experience a poor time with their mental health, which was the main motivation behind Hatti’s initiative.

“Poor Mental health is also something sadly hugely prevalent within the Veterinary world,” she said.

“Kindness to others has been shown to be good for your mental health,” she added.

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